Young adults

Young adults have grown up in a world where it's normal to be sucked in by social media, distracted by streaming and commodified by advertising, but this generation longs for so much more. In place of something artificial and superficial, they want something real and deep. And in our St Matts YA community, we're convinced there's nothing more real or deep than Jesus. And so while we want to have fun together, we also go deep together.

Almost all our young adults attend our 6pm service and a Tuesday night Community Group of about a dozen people. In these groups we apply the Bible to our lives, pray for each other, laugh with and listen to one another - always with food. While the groups are led by young people, each community group also has "group parents" - people who with hard earned kindness and wisdom that are committed to caring for group members in a personal way.

Every February we go away for a weekend together, but there are also regular social events throughout the year.

We work hard to maintain a community where we reject cliques, where we're real about mental health, where it's normal to work through doubts and where it's expected that we'll encourage each other.

You can find out more about our YA community by visiting the 6pm service or contacting our YA minister, Chris Donald.